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Prospects Journal


The present journal is a semi-annual academic scientific journal concerned with issues related to linguistics and linguistic sciencesThe journal is research issued conducted by the unit of linguistics and the development of linguistic studies of the Arab countries in Tlemcen.It is concerned with everything related to linguistics and linguistic sciences. The most important fields that the journal is concerned with are general linguistics, applied linguistics, phonetics, phonology, lexicology, terminology, syntax and grammar, textual linguistics and discourse analysis, pragmatics, didactics of Arabic, cognitive linguistics, computational linguistics and automated speech processing.It has been published on paper regularly since its founding on June 2022 till today. The articles are edited in Arabic, English or French.

Aims of the journal

Standing on the latest developments in linguistic research, and the mechanisms of theorising, experimentation and application of Arabic with Western linguistic theories.Serving the Arabic language by promoting the scientific publication of academic research that treats its various phenomena and current issues.Providing a platform for researchers of all linguistics branches for the contribution of innovation of research with reliable articles that are carried out with scientific methodologies.


Information about the journal:

E-ISSN: 1635-2992

Legal deposit: 06/2022
Postal Address:  Po.Box 551, Imama Mansourah, Tlemcen, Algeria, 13000

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Research Unit- The status and development of linguistic studies in Arab countries  Tlemcen

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