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Author's Conditions

The researcher coordinates the research according to the terms of publication mentioned below, or according to the magazine template.

The researcher submits the formatted research as a Microsoft Word file.

The research must be written with a good language, taking care of the peculiarities of the settings, drawings and shapes.

The research must not be previously published.

The research will be read and judged by two or three reviewers.

The researcher is informed of the initial acceptance of the study or rejection. Reviewing notes are sent to the researcher.

The researcher performs the required modifications and submits the modified research. The author will be given 15 days for a minor review, and 30 days for the main reviews.

When presenting the manuscript, the singular spacing is taken into account, leaving appropriate margins (2.5 cm) from all sides (up - bottom - right - left).

The paper is formatted with (A4 measurement), so that the type and size of the front must follow the publishing conditions specified in the journal template which should be written in the Sakkal Majalla 14 pattern and the size of 12. The references of the articles written in Arabic should be of a style of Times New Romans Size 14 and 12. Margins for an article must be follow the rules of the template.

Shapes and diagrams in the image « format sous form d'image » should be « habillage devant le texte ». The shape must be done with medium page (centre) and, must be composed of diagrams and assemblies.

The references must follow the APA methodology –

The accuracy is required in writing references, and every incorrect reference will lead to the rejection of the article.

Non-compliance with the publishing rules of the Knowledge Horizons Journal may unfortunately make the rejection of the article before its submission to the reviewing committee, regardless of its scientific value.

The research should be part of one of the journal fields, which are concerned with all linguistic issues and has to do with the fields of knowledge, education and learning.

The author(s) are responsible for the accuracy of their names and their affiliations and for all the information (data) and data contained in the article. Nothing can be added after the article has been published.


Important : After downloading the Template, it is sometimes necessary to change the name by adding ".docx" at the end (without the quotation marks ""), or to choose the Word program, from the list that appears, displays after clicking on the downloaded file.

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